Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Story-Part 2

Here is part two of our story: Our Ministry. I'll post part three later today or tomorrow. Enjoy!


  1. As I watch this video for the second time I say "Yessssss"! These are some true nuggets for courting and defintely marriage. I think my favorite point was "Making Chirst The Center"! This is so true on the serious note because if you don't develop intimacy with Chirst you will be clueless when it comes to your mate. Excellent Transparency Kevin! I was blessed by what you said about allowing God to be God letting him complete and finished his work in us and our relationships. I love it you two love birds! Excited about what the Lord has in store for you two.


  2. Thanks Trease! Your Support is much appreciated! thanks for the loving support!
