Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reflecting God's Glory

So, we are in the process of finalizing the contract for the ceremony/reception site. I'm super excited about it, but at the same time, became very concerned when the numbers came into question. Now, don't get me wrong, my family is not poor, but money is not our strong suite either. God has always been faithful to provide, but as for abundance, I never really knew what that was until I met Kevin. Eating out was reserved for special occasions only, we found stores to provide what we needed, and we made due. I had a great childhood (in terms of financial management), I never knew the difference, until I met Kevin.

Now, Kevin is not rich, nor is his family. But, they do things a bit differently. I traveled more with him, ate out more, and just got introduced to a whole new type of quality. God helped me with this. God promised us abundance, not for ourselves, but so we can bless others, and that's exactly what we plan to do.

God gave us a huge mandate for this wedding, and its not just to get married. We've prayed about every step thus far, from the date, to the venue, to the vendors to see not only what we like, but what God desires. Why? Because God wants to be there. He wants to love on His people, and we're the chosen avenue for that.

Are we extra special? No! Anyone can show God's glory if we're open to it, but God gave us a specific call with specific instructions, and it is our prayer that only He will be seen. Not us. His love for His bride, mirrored in our marriage. So, we're trusting God to provide for His glory. His ultimate provision for His ultimate vision, however He chooses.

I get numerous email devotional, especially from this group of people. However, today I decided to open it. It gave me hope, and a great reminder that went with something Kevin shared with our family yesterday.

To quote Kevin:
"Isaiah says in v. 7-8: Their land is also full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their treasures; their land is also full of horses, and there is no end to their chariots. Their land is also full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

i. This was not an anti-wealth statement. God is not against wealth and riches, and may choose to bless some with significant resources. This is a rebuke of the love of riches, and any trust in wealth.

ii. This was not an anti-work statement. God wants us to work hard, and show forth the work of our own hands, and to see the accomplishments that our own fingers have made. This is a rebuke of the worship of what we have made and what we have done.

... I did feel like this was a gentle reminder to stay focused on what God has planned for this wedding and not come up with our own. This is not to discourage work or preparation, but just an encouragement to stay open to His divine purpose. We received a word from one the ministers at Breath that what we had been praying for, we'd already received. So while we don't know exactly how God's planning on doing it, we do know that His provision is already set for us."

I hope that this blesses someone else as much as it blessed me today. It's all about Him and His glory.

Today's Prayer

Dear God, I present to you my body as a living sacrifice unto You. Please help me to be holy and acceptable, which is my reasonable service (as Your Word exhorts in Romans 12:1). Guide and direct me, protect me from harm and evil, and shine through my life to influence the world around me for You. May You be glorified and may the lost be pointed to Jesus through the testimony of my life. Please keep me pure and forgive me, dear God, of my sins and failures so that I might start afresh, again today. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Reflecting His Glory
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman

"They will tell of the glory of Your kingdom and speak of Your might, so that all men may know of Your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom." Psalm 145:11-12

How do you measure your effectiveness in God, or should you even be thinking like this? The early Church turned the world upside down in that first century. What made them so effective? Was it their theology? Was it great preaching? Was it due to one man's influence apart from Jesus?

The Scriptures are clear as to what made the early Church effective. It is at the core of God's heart, and it is quite simple. God desires to reflect His nature and power through every individual. When this happens, the world is automatically changed because those who reflect His glory affect the world.

We serve a jealous God. He is a God who will not share His glory with anyone. God sets up situations in order to demonstrate His power through them. He has done this since the day He created man. His desire is to reflect His glory through you and me, so that all men may know of His mighty acts and the glorious splendor of His Kingdom. The apostle Paul understood this principle: "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power" (1 Cor. 2:4-5). If you do not see His glory being reflected through your life, then you need to ask why. He has promised to do so if we will walk in obedience to His commands.

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.

Let God demonstrate His power in your life today. Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! You have been given a golden opportunity to reflect God's glory so be encouraged to do that in every sense of the word. Like you mention sometimes we can get side-tracked and add our own personal agenda to what God has in mind. I am learning that God's divine purpose is far greater than mine and when he does it...He Does It Well* Be encouraged the best is yet to come.

    Be Blessed

